
Michael Wollny

VÖ: 25.09.2020

Genre: Beliebte Alben, Piano Jazz



ACT 9765-2, 614427976529
Michael Wollny / piano

Recorded by Tobias Lehmann at Teldex Studio Berlin, 22. & 23.4. 2020
Mixed by Tobias Lehmann. Mastered by Klaus Scheuermann

Produced by the artist
Executive Producer: Andreas Brandis

Album design by Siggi Loch
Cover photo: Lunar Trifecta (moon) by
Richard Vogel © picture alliance/AP Photo

About being alone: The new solo album with music by Alban Berg, Rudolf Hindemith, Sufjan Stevens, Tori Amos, Timbe Timbre and compositions by the artist himself. It is Wollny's great mastery to create a world of his own in a very personal dialogue with these extremely contrasting elements, into which the listener is only too happy to dive in amazement.

Michael Wollny
Michael Wollny, born in 1978 in Schweinfurt, is an internationally successful jazz pianist, music creator, innovator, and a charismatic figure. No one plays the piano quite like him. His trademark is the unpredictable, the quest for the unheard, the courage to surrender to the moment, and making the unforeseen sound natural. His determination is to constantly reinvent himself both in terms of sound and composition.This quality makes him a "complete master of the piano" (FAZ) and the "strongest (jazz) musical personality that Germany has produced since Albert Mangelsdorff" (Hamburger Abendblatt).
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