Celebrating 30 years of Nils Landgrens FUNK UNIT - Sale until July 12th.
Adam Baldych
"Undoubtedly the greatest living violin technician in jazz. You can expect anything from him," 

wrote the FAZ after the acclaimed performance of the only 26-year-old Polish violinist Adam Bałdych at the Jazzfest Berlin 2011.

On "Imaginary Room", his first album for the ACT label, one experiences a jazz violinist as one has never heard him before: Nothing wails or sobs here, rather Bałdych's technically breathtaking lines are reminiscent of those of a wind player, and polyphonic passages of a pianist's chord playing, always underpinned by a slightly rough, bluesy undertone.

Most recently, he caused a sensation at JazzBaltica 2012 and the Montreux Jazz Festival and makes it clear: Europe has a new jazz star!
