
Alboran Trio

VÖ: 23.06.2006

Genre: Piano Jazz

No longer available

ACT 9448-2, 6 14427 94482 5
Paolo Paliaga – piano
Dino Contenti – double bass
Gigi Biolcati - drums

Recorded, mixed and mastered by Stefano Amerio - Artesuono recording studios - Cavalicco (Udine) - Italy
Produced by Alboran Trio

"The Alboran Trio stands for rhythm, pulse, melody, vibration, flow, desert dust, cigarette smoke, and soul. A source of global creativity." - JAZZTHING

Alboran Trio
Founded in 2004, the European jazz trio consisting of the Italian pianist Paolo Paliaga, the Italian drummer Gigi Biolcati and the German bassist Dino Contenti combines lyrical melodies with complex rhythmic structures. This gives the trio an unmistakable sound language. Their music is strongly characterised by Mediterranean influences, which is particularly reflected in their debut album ‘Meltemi’. The trio is praised for its musical sensitivity and ability to convey emotions through subtle and dynamic improvisation. As a result, the Alboran Trio has established itself on the European jazz scene as an innovative and expressive form. The name of the Alboran Trio is derived from the uninhabited Mediterranean island of Alborán, which lies between the Andalusian coast and North Africa.

Alboran Trio