
Alboran Trio
Near Gale

VÖ: 28.03.2008

Genre: Piano Jazz

No longer available

ACT 9469-2, 6 14427 94692 8
Paolo Paliaga – piano
Dino Contenti – double bass
Gigi Biolcati - drums

Recorded, mixed and mastered by Stefano Amerio at Artesuono Recording Studios, Cavalicco (Udine), Italy, November 2 - 3, 2007
Produced by the Alboran Trio

The Alboran Trio excels at creating images with sounds. Near Gale is the journey of three sound explorers from the head to the heart.

Alboran Trio
The trio consisting of Paolo Paliaga (piano), Gigi Biolcati (drums and percussion) and Dino Contenti (double bass) offers a surprising equality of instruments paired with world music influences in the form of Spanish and Arabic rhythms and melodic elements.The name derives from the uninhabited Mediterranean island of Alborán, which lies between the Andalusian coast and North Africa. The music of the Aldoban Trio is characterised by the mystical sound from the most diverse cultures of the Mediterranean region. 

Alboran Trio